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Computing Curriculum Intent

At Nene Valley Primary School, our computing curriculum ensures our children are equipped with the key knowledge and skills across the three main areas of the curriculum: Digital Literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology. Our computing curriculum and our technology enhance our children’s learning in computing lessons, the whole school curriculum and in the day-to-day life of our school. Our well sequenced curriculum allows the children’s knowledge and skills to be built upon each year and equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity, enabling them to become active participants in the digital world.  

Children understand how to use the ever-changing technology to express themselves and as tools for learning. Our children understand the advantages and disadvantages associated with online experiences and be respectful, responsible and confident users of technology. Beyond teaching computing discreetly, we give pupils the opportunity to apply and develop what they have learnt across wider learning in the curriculum. Our Computing curriculum and teaching has links with mathematics, science and design and technology and our aim is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum whilst ensuring that pupils become digitally literate and digitally resilient.