School Lunches
Dinners are cooked on the premises and the daily menu offers a choice of two hot dishes or a salad for a main course and a range of puddings.
Children may bring packed lunches into school in a named container or holder; no fizzy drinks or nuts please. Guidance on how to provide a healthy packed lunch is available.
We do NOT buy ready-made meals. All our meals are made from basic ingredients and sourced as locally as possible.
Weekly School Menu
The weekly school menu is attached in chronological order below, dated for your easy reference.
Dinner Money
The cost of lunch for School Meals is £2.50 per day. All payments must be made by ParentPay. Please contact the office if you do not have an account set up.
Free School Meals
Some children are entitled to free school meals. The school can help advise you on how to apply for them. Each case is dealt with in the strictest confidence. Forms are available in school along with guidance as to how they should be processed.
Universal Free School Meals
From September 2014 all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal.